# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # --- # jupyter: # jupytext: # formats: ipynb,py:percent # text_representation: # extension: .py # format_name: percent # format_version: '1.3' # jupytext_version: 1.16.2 # kernelspec: # display_name: Python 3 (ipykernel) # language: python # name: python3 # --- # %% import json import warnings from functools import reduce from itertools import islice from operator import add from pathlib import Path import joblib import jupyter_black import numpy as np import pandas as pd from bg_utils import transform, recommend_games from pytility import clear_list from tqdm import tqdm from yaml import safe_dump, safe_load jupyter_black.load() pd.options.display.max_columns = 100 pd.options.display.max_rows = 500 pd.options.display.float_format = "{:.6g}".format warnings.simplefilter(action="ignore", category=pd.errors.PerformanceWarning) # %% reviews = pd.read_csv("reviews.csv", index_col="bgg_id") reviews.drop(columns="name", inplace=True) reviews.dropna(axis=1, how="all", inplace=True) reviews.shape # %% include = clear_list( pd.concat( [pd.read_csv("include.csv").bgg_id, reviews.reset_index().bgg_id], ignore_index=True, ) ) exclude = clear_list(pd.read_csv("exclude.csv").bgg_id) len(include), len(exclude) # %% r_g_rankings_dir = ( Path() / ".." / ".." / ".." / "board-game-data" / "rankings" / "bgg" / "r_g" ).resolve() r_g_rankings_file = max(r_g_rankings_dir.rglob("*.csv")) r_g_rankings_file # %% r_g_rankings = pd.read_csv(r_g_rankings_file, index_col="bgg_id") r_g_rankings.shape # %% params = { "user": "S_d_J", "year__gte": 2023, "year__lte": 2024, "num_votes__gte": 1, "kennerspiel_score__gte": 0.0, "include": ",".join(map(str, include)), "exclude": ",".join(map(str, exclude)), "exclude_clusters": False, "exclude_known": False, "exclude_owned": False, "base_url": "https://recommend.games", } max_results = 10_000 candidates = list( tqdm( iterable=recommend_games(max_results=max_results, **params), total=max_results, ) ) for game in candidates[:10]: print( f"{game['name'].upper()} by {', '.join(game['designer_name'])} ({game['bgg_id']})" ) # %% df = pd.DataFrame.from_records(candidates, index="bgg_id") df["kennerspiel"] = df["kennerspiel_score"] >= 0.5 df = df.join(r_g_rankings["score"].rename("r_g_score"), how="inner") df.dropna( subset=["num_votes", "rec_rating", "kennerspiel_score", "r_g_score"], inplace=True, ) df.shape # %% data = transform( data=df, list_columns=("game_type", "category", "mechanic"), min_df=1, ) data.shape # %% with open("features.json") as f: features = json.load(f) len(features) # %% for feature in features: if feature not in data: print(feature) data[feature] = False # %% model = joblib.load("lr.joblib") model # %% x = data[features] x = x.fillna(x.mean()) data["sdj_prob"] = model.predict_proba(x)[:, 1] data.shape # %% rank_features = [ "num_votes", "rec_rating", "sdj_prob", "r_g_score", ] rank_columns = [f"{f}_rank" for f in rank_features] data[rank_columns] = data.groupby("kennerspiel")[rank_features].rank( method="max", na_option="top", ascending=True, pct=True, ) data.shape # %% data["jury_reviews"] = reviews.mean(axis=1) data["jury_reviews"] = data["jury_reviews"].fillna(5.5) data.shape # %% scale_max_features = [ "num_votes", "rec_rating", ] scale_max_columns = [f"{f}_scale_max" for f in scale_max_features] data[scale_max_columns] = data[scale_max_features] / data[scale_max_features].max() data.shape # %% scale_10_features = [ "jury_reviews", ] scale_10_columns = [f"{f}_scale_10" for f in scale_10_features] data[scale_10_columns] = data[scale_10_features] / 10 data.shape # %% qt = joblib.load("qt.joblib") qt # %% quantile_features = [ "rec_rating", "jury_reviews", ] for col in quantile_features: data[f"{col}_quantile"] = qt.transform(data[[col]].values)[:, 0] data.shape # %% sdj_score_weights = { "num_votes": 0, "num_votes_rank": 0, "num_votes_scale_max": 0, "r_g_score": 0, "r_g_score_rank": 0, "rec_rating": 0, "rec_rating_rank": 0, "rec_rating_scale_max": 1, "rec_rating_quantile": 2, "jury_reviews": 0, "jury_reviews_scale_10": 0, "jury_reviews_quantile": 4, "sdj_prob": 1, "sdj_prob_rank": 0, } # %% print("Calculate SdJ scores according to these weights:") total_weight = sum(sdj_score_weights.values()) for column, weight in sorted(sdj_score_weights.items(), key=lambda x: (-x[1], x[0])): if weight > 0: print(f"{100 * weight / total_weight:4.1f}%: {column}") # %% data["sdj_score"] = ( reduce(add, (weight * data[column] for column, weight in sdj_score_weights.items())) / total_weight ) data["sdj_rank"] = ( data.groupby("kennerspiel")["sdj_score"] .rank( ascending=False, method="min", na_option="bottom", ) .astype(int) ) data.shape # %% results = data[ [ "name", "year", "sdj_score", "sdj_rank", "num_votes", "jury_reviews", "avg_rating", "bayes_rating", "rec_rating", "rec_rating_rank", "sdj_prob", "sdj_prob_rank", "r_g_score", "r_g_score_rank", "kennerspiel", "kennerspiel_score", "min_age", "min_time", "max_time", "complexity", ] ].copy() results[["min_players", "max_players"]] = df[["min_players", "max_players"]] results["url"] = [ f"{name}" for bgg_id, name in results.name.items() ] results.sort_values("sdj_score", ascending=False, inplace=True) results.shape # %% sdj = results[~results["kennerspiel"]].copy() sdj["name_raw"] = sdj["name"] sdj["name"] = sdj["url"] sdj.drop(columns="url", inplace=True) kdj = results[results["kennerspiel"]].copy() kdj["name_raw"] = kdj["name"] kdj["name"] = kdj["url"] kdj.drop(columns="url", inplace=True) results.shape, sdj.shape, kdj.shape # %% results.drop(columns="url", inplace=True) results.sort_values(["kennerspiel", "sdj_rank"], inplace=True) results.to_csv("predictions.csv", header=True, float_format="%.5g") # %% [markdown] # # SdJ candidates # %% sdj[:100].style # %% [markdown] # # KdJ candidates # %% kdj[:100].style # %% [markdown] # # Outputs # %% notes_file = Path("notes.yaml").resolve() if not notes_file.exists(): num = 50 top_candidates = pd.concat((sdj[:num], kdj[:num])) dummy_notes = { bgg_id: { "name": game.name_raw, "text": f"{{{{% game {bgg_id} %}}}}{game.name_raw}{{{{% /game %}}}}", "description": "", } for bgg_id, game in top_candidates.iterrows() } with notes_file.open("w", encoding="utf-8") as f: safe_dump(dummy_notes, f) # %% COMPLEXITIES = (None, "light", "medium light", "medium", "medium heavy", "heavy") with notes_file.open(encoding="utf-8") as f: NOTES = safe_load(f) def game_str(game, bgg_id=None, position=None, notes=NOTES): bgg_id = game["bgg_id"] if bgg_id is None else bgg_id position_str = f"#{int(position)}: " if position is not None else "" name = game.get("name_raw") or game.get("name") min_players = int(min_players) if (min_players := game["min_players"]) else None max_players = int(max_players) if (max_players := game["max_players"]) else None player_count = ( f"{min_players:d}–{max_players:d} players" if max_players > min_players else f"{min_players:d} players" if min_players > 1 else "Solo game" ) min_time = int(min_time) if (min_time := game["min_time"]) else None max_time = int(max_time) if (max_time := game["max_time"]) else None play_time = ( f"{min_time:d}–{max_time:d} minutes" if max_time > min_time else f"{min_time:d} minutes" ) player_age = ( f"{int(min_age)}+ years" if (min_age := game["min_age"]) and pd.notna(min_age) else "" ) complexity = ( complexity if (complexity := game["complexity"]) and np.isfinite(complexity) else 0 ) complexity_str = ( f"{COMPLEXITIES[round(complexity)]} ({complexity:.1f}), " if complexity > 0 else "" ) kennerspiel_score = ( round(100 * kennerspiel_score) if (kennerspiel_score := game["kennerspiel_score"]) else None ) kennerspiel = ( "" if kennerspiel_score is None else ( f"{kennerspiel_score}% {{{{% kdj %}}}}Kennerspiel{{{{% /kdj %}}}}" if kennerspiel_score >= 50 else f"{100 - kennerspiel_score}% {{{{% sdj %}}}}Spiel{{{{% /sdj %}}}}" ) ) description = ( note.get("description") if notes and (note := notes.get(bgg_id)) else None ) description_str = f"*{description}*\n\n" if description else "" text = ( (note.get("text") or "") if notes and (note := notes.get(bgg_id)) else f"{{{{% game {bgg_id} %}}}}{name}{{{{% /game %}}}}" ) # TODO data for each game: designers, player count, play time, age, complexity, Kennerspiel score return f"""## {position_str}{{{{% game {bgg_id} %}}}}{name}{{{{% /game %}}}} *{player_count}, {play_time}, {player_age}, {complexity_str}{kennerspiel}* {{{{< img src="{bgg_id}" size="x300" alt="{name}" >}}}} {description_str}{text}""" # %% with open("candidates.md", "w") as f: print("# Spiel des Jahres\n\n", file=f) for pos, (bgg_id, game) in enumerate(sdj[:12].iterrows()): print(game_str(game, bgg_id, pos + 1), file=f) print("\n", file=f) print("# Kennerspiel des Jahres\n\n", file=f) for pos, (bgg_id, game) in enumerate(kdj[:12].iterrows()): print(game_str(game, bgg_id, pos + 1), file=f) print("\n", file=f)